31 Daily Intentions

Level-up your life and commit to these 31 Daily Intentions!

12/8/20242 min read

Below you will find your 31 Daily Intentions directly from Field Guide to Happiness!

  1. Today I catch mean things I say to myself and turn them into something lovely.

  2. Today I will ask for what I want!

  3. Today I take an issue in my life and look at it from a different angle.

  4. Today I pursue happiness down every path.

  5. Today I allow happiness, love, and peace to fill me.

  6. Today I smile and wave at a stranger as if I know them.

  7. Today I will take one small step to reach my goal.

  8. Today I will write down my favorite five things about my partner or future partner.

  9. Today I will be bold, be free, and be me!

  10. Today I realize society does not know the truth. What do I want my truth to be? Anything is possible!

  11. Today I will get funky in whatever way feels good to me!

  12. Today I will allow my thoughts to wander to simply see where they go. If I notice they are going negative, I will steer them toward happiness.

  13. Today I will think about what new habit I want in my life and how to incorporate that habit.

  14. Today I will clean out one drawer and get rid of what I don’t need anymore.

  15. Today I will come up with a mantra and repeat it throughout the day.

  16. Today I will do something nice for somebody else.

  17. Today I will learn a new word and use it!

  18. Today I focus on what I love — not what I fear.

  19. Today I will take stock of where I am, where I want to be, and take steps to get there.

  20. Today I will write down three things I want others to know about me, and then I will start to show that side of me.

  21. Today I will take a moment to breathe. I allow my exhale to be 2x longer than my inhale.

  22. Today I will do something to make a positive difference in somebody’s life.

  23. Today I realize that my health is what I believe it to be.

  24. Today I will take the time to enjoy my food!

  25. Today I will buy a piece of art. (Etsy is a great, inexpensive place to look.)

  26. Today I will take 5 minutes to organize something.

  27. Today I will journal about my strengths and how I can use them in my life.

  28. Today I remember that I have the power to fix anything because I am magical!

  29. Today I will make a checklist of all the things I want to get done.

  30. Today I remind myself that I can do anything! I ask for answers and believe in myself.

  31. Today I realize society does not know the truth. What do I want my truth to be? Anything is possible!